Turn important talk into results

AI scratchpad for multitaskers turns actionable utterances into outcomes
Get Ramble for MacOS

Assistant for individuals delivers impact on teamwork

AI extracts work items in real-time, and turns actionable utterances into 1-click workflows to track or assign tasks. Take notes as needed while Ramble generates a minute-by-minute meeting recap, identifies work promises, and populates a personal knowledge store for you to query. Ramble reclaims time lost to post-meeting followups by getting valuable work done during meetings.

Copilot takes half the load of thinking, speeding up GTD

Ramble's AI-powered scratchpad let you put attention on what's most important in the moment: the conversation, connecting the dots, or getting things right. As a scratchpad, you can always jot down important takeaways, even as notes are generated for you. Getting more output during and after meetings ensures you get things captured, tasks done on time, while being at your best.

Taskable agent keeps you on top of your game (+work)

Ramble is an end-to-end AI work assistant.  Stay on top of work, promises, commitments and follow ups. Harness talk-time to get things done, but also, leverage AI to dispense of drudgery and the rote aspects of the job. Ramble unlocks your individual impact.

Recap full meetings, or an Aha! from few minutes ago

Did you just say something great and you wish you were recording? If you decide to activate 'Background Listening' with Ramble, you can recapture the past in 1-click. Grab the last 5-minutes by default, and go back up to 1-hour.  

Ready to Ramble  ->


Currently, all Premium usage is free, until at least November 2024. No credit card is required. We will always have a free tier, so you can access your transcribed meetings and snippets forever.

We plan to activate the paid tier for Premium features with an expected cost of $10-$100/month.


Love Ramble. So easy to capture my meetings and no Meeting Bot. I hate seeing a meeting bot on Zoom.

Ramble remembers all my little tasks. I speak. It remembers. I hear they have an iOS version coming soon.

Marvin Macky
Alice Roper

I talk to Ramble all day. Mostly reminders. Sometimes I'll dictate something and then quick paste it into an email.

Love the auto-copy feature. I transcribe my thoughts with Ramble and then paste them -- in Slack, in my PRDs, in and email. SO easy.

Isabella Tannaka
Gretchen Howard

I'm in the beta for the Rolodex. It's amazing how much knowledge Ramble AI extracted from my email.  I've built up a lot of details about my contacts. It's an easy CRM.

Ramble runs smooth. I like that I'm in full control of when and how it records.

Noah Fox
Early User
Devin Nguyen

Watch Ramble in action

Discover how having a work assistant capable of both transcription and voice input doubles your output

Ramble helps you triage your thoughts, produce output 10x faster and organize work. Instantly make your thoughts concrete, usable and actionable. Use transcription to give form to ideas, straight outta your brain, and turn your words into results.

Ready to Ramble?