Attn: Earthlings  🌎  Use Your Voice

AI Powered Voice tools for MacOS

5 tools empowering you to use your voice to get sh*t done. Capture Zoom/Slack/Teams - without a meeting bot, Assign Todos, Transcribe the past, Ask Ramble to remember, Talk out an idea, or chat with your Rolodex.

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Quickly and accurately put action items onto a shared checklist to get things done, and get work off your mind.

Come back to this

Did you just say something great and you wish you were recording? With Ramble, in 1-click you can capture the past. Up to 1hr.

Ramble Remembers

Build your knowledge-base. Hand off information and details for your AI to remember. Even have Ramble remind you about it later. What you store is always instantly accessible in the app.

Talk it out - Real Time Transcription

Use your voice to get thoughts and ideas out of your head for anything: compose or reply to emails, capture directions, addresses, details, explicit steps, account numbers. Write by speaking aloud.

Zoom/Meet/Slack Transcriber without the meeting bot

Create a real time transcription of any meeting — independent of where you do it — all without a meeting bot.

Rolodex (coming soon)

AI + LLMs + Ramble = a rich rolodex of all the people you know - tagged by the key topics you’ve discussed. With Ramble, use your voice easily store information about friends, colleagues and work partners  – so that Ramble Remembers.

Get Ramble  ->


No credit card required. Free until at least July 2024. We will always have a free tier. We will add a paid tier for premium features with a cost of $10-30/month.


Love Ramble. So easy to capture my meetings and no Meeting Bot. I hate seeing a meeting bot on Zoom.

Ramble remembers all my little tasks. I speak. It remembers. I hear they have an iOS version coming soon.

Marvin Macky
Alice Roper

I talk to Ramble all day. Mostly reminders. Sometimes I'll dictate something and then quick paste it into an email.

Love the auto-copy feature. I transcribe my thoughts with Ramble and then paste them -- in Slack, in my PRDs, in and email. SO easy.

Isabella Tannaka
Gretchen Howard

I'm in the beta for the Rolodex. It's amazing how much knowledge Ramble AI extracted from my email.  I've built up a lot of details about my contacts. It's an easy CRM.

Ramble runs smooth. I like that I'm in full control of when and how it records.

Noah Fox
Early User
Devin Nguyen

How to Ramble

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